Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Tiger's Presser, the New Look Wizards and Our Lost Analysis

Listen to the Feb 21, 2010 Podcast

This week on We're Just Sayin...
  • Iz is heading off to Los Angeles for the coming week
  • Tessel has grown?
  • Gonz despises the curling fad
We give our take on Tiger Wood's press conference and what it ultimately means for him going forward.  The new look Wizards have moved forward after trading Caron Butler, Antawn Jamison and Brendan Haywood, but will they be any better?  Or does this spell more disappointment for the fans?  And our weekly discussion on all things Lost as we try to piece together the final season.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Valentine's Day, the Winter Olympics and primetime TV

Listen to the Feb 14, 2010 Podcast

This week on We're Just Sayin...
After a week absence due to the Snowpocalypse that hit DC over the weekend, the crew is back at it just in time for Valentine's Day. Recording live from the residence of Gonz, we briefly discussed Eric's valentine's day plans which hopefully we will find more about! The Winter Olympics are in full swing and Gonz can't get enough of Johnny Weir. Meantime, the Iz has developed a new hatred for Jim from The Office. Don't believe me? I dare you to listen.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

iPad, the final season of Lost and MMA vs. WWE vs. Boxing

Listen to the Feb 1, 2010 Podcast

This week on We're Just Sayin...
In preparation for the first annual Tessel Royal Rumble party, we recorded live with our new microphones.  We decided it had become time to finally step up to the next level.  Everything was going fine (even though we had to switch our recording method from Audacity to Apple's Garage Band) until I went back and listened to the recording.  At about the 26 minute mark all hell breaks loose.  We got echoes and garbled sound, basically making it useless.  So when you listen you'll notice an abrupt ending for this week.  Have no fear though, we have purchased microphone windscreens and should be good to go for our Super Bowl preview podcast.